BrainsWay Therapy or Antidepressants?


Many depression patients go through a tedious quest for the right treatment which can finally put an end to their suffering and get their life back on track. Throughout their journey, they often try different medications, and oftentimes suffer from ineffective solutions and severe side effects*.

BrainsWay Deep TMS (Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) brings new hope to these depression patients and their families.   An innovative depression therapy, Deep TMS can help even patients who have severe, persistent depression*, and who have tried any number of medications, but have still not enjoyed adequate results. In fact, BrainsWay Deep TMS was tested in a wide-ranging multi-center trial*, and has been proven to generate substantial improvement for drug-resistant depression.

BrainsWay Deep-TMS Therapy VS. Antidepressants

The efficacy of antidepressants have been shown to decrease with each additional medication trial*. Furthermore, When considering Deep TMS as an alternative to antidepressants, we must consider the issue of side effects.

Medication can have hard-to-tolerate side effects*, from insomnia to appetite changes, weight gain and sexual dysfunction.  These effects are mostly related to the systemic nature of antidepressants which enter the blood stream and affect the whole body. 1

These and other side effects can significantly harm the patient’s well-being and quality of life, and can negatively impact his/her self-image.

BrainsWay Deep TMS– No Systemic Side Effects

BrainsWay Deep TMS has no systemic side effects, and is safe and generally well-tolerated*. The most common side effect is temporary, mild pain or discomfort in the area of the treatment site, which occurs during the treatment session. This typically occurs only during the first week of treatment. Other side effects may include muscle twitching and jaw pain*.

BrainsWay Deep TMS – How it Works

An innovative treatment based on advanced brain research, Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation briefly stimulates brain regions that are responsible for depression using magnetic pulses, and can generate dramatic improvement for depression patients.

BrainsWay Deep TMS – Advantages

BrainsWay therapy can offer lasting results, and does not involve permanent or indefinite intake of medication, but offers significant improvement for patients who tried several medications with no success. It is administered in 20-minute daily sessions over 4-6 weeks, so that it does not interfere with the patient’s daily routine. As BrainsWay is a generally well-tolerated treatment, after each session, patients can immediately drive home independently and resume their daily schedule.

1 Fabbri C, Marsano A, Balestri M, De Ronchi D, Serretti A. Clinical features and drug induced side effects in early versus late antidepressant responders. J Psychiatr Res 2013;47(10):1309-1318].