A randomized controlled feasibility and safety study of deep transcranial magnetic stimulation

Journal: Clinical Neurophysiology 118(12):2730-2744 (2007)

Authors: Y Levkovitz, Y Roth, E.V. Harel, Y Braw, A Sheer, A Zangen

Levkovitz, Y., Roth, Y., Harel, E. V., Braw, Y., Sheer, A., & Zangen, A. (2007). Clinical Neurophysiology, 118(12), 2730-2744.

This study examined possible effects of different BrainsWay® Deep TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) H-coils and different stimulation parameters on healthy individuals. Several parameters relating to health, cognitive and emotional issues were checked .Results were also compared to a standard coil (figure 8) and to a sham coil. This study demonstrated that brain stimulation using the H-coil is feasible, safe and without adverse consequences.

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